Monday, July 23, 2007

My bladder is not a punching bag

although someone seems to think so.....

I rang work today to tell them that I think I should look at doing light duties from next week the foreman was in a meeting so will have to talk to him tomorrow grrr

been feeling a little ick latley, mostly at bed time I need to eat better than what I do and I think
sleep less I wake up at around 7 curl back up and go to sleep again and wake up much later feeing really cruddy usually with a headache too which makes it even harder to actually get up tonight, I'm going to mums for dinner which will be a good start to eating better tomorrow I must make myself get up when I wake up and have breakfast, which needs to involve some form of protien I've been very lax with that latley, I need to eat more protien, I expect my blood pressure to be highish again on fridays visit,I also need to buy good yogurt, I got the homebrand strawberry flavour a few weeks ago, there is a reason that it is cheaper than the ski yogurt it just lacks something ........ like flavour

thinking I will take my nappies to mums tonight so that they can have their hot prewashes either tonight or on the weekend ifr I go early I could get started tonight hmmmm

Friday, July 20, 2007

more pics


3D image

apparently they are a little skeletal at this stage :-)

we got a dvd too ..... very cool

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pics of new(ish) stuff

Ok here it is finally, I still would have done it with a brush, even with 3 coats the slightest bump results in white showing through but it is done and looks nice... next step perhaps some pooh wall decals we will see and other similar things

Mum is on holidays with her best friend they decided this would look good on me
hopefully the boy gets the part for his bike and we can go for a ride and visit them I doubt I'll be able to convince him to go for a 3 hr drive now that he has his licence back

yes jen I will post pics I am starting to get impaitent with the whole thing only 4.5 months to go and no real bump to speak of yet, I put that down to generously proportioned hips :-P which has to be a good thing in this case

Sunday, July 08, 2007

fun and games

well I found out that I needed a referal from the DR for the ultrasound, he assured me that the place he is sending me to has very good equipment which means very clear pics OK as long as all is good we are happy no intrest in knowing what its going to be you have gotta save some surprises for later, I always feel sad for people who first want to know what they are having so that they can pick a name and then they have elective C's(too lazy to work out the spelling) so that they can plan for an exact date(there are plenty of other reasons that I can understand including fear and problems with previous births) K's partner wanted this so he could fit it into his busy schedule, I would like to be more organised than I am but I think some things are best played by ear.

I am excited though I have booked the ultrasound for the 18th which for me is too far away, the cot is almost painted the nappies have been packed into a bag ready to go to mums for their first few washes, they need three hot washes to get the hemp absorbent, we only have gravity hot water which means not enough pressure for the machine *sigh* but it gives me an oppourtunity to show mum that they will be just as easy to use as disposables except that they need to be washed, last dinner at pas involved a conversation about nappies both mum and K argued that the soaking and the smell is too much to deal with easy to come back with answers for that one,

*there is no soaking - napisan would ruin all the pretty colours and an eventual build up of chemicals is bad for babys bum

* I have yet to experiance it but one website suggests that the soaking is the cause of the smell the water in the bucket causes the wee to come out of the nappy and float around in the bucket thus the smell, mums on the forums I have found also say that the bucket dosen't smell that bad they throw either a cloth with some lavender oil on it or a few drops in the bottom of the bucket or they sprinkle Bi-Carb in the botom like you do for the smells in the fridge ( I expect smell when opening the bucket though)

*I also through in the $2700 approxemate saving over 2 years which K automaticly assumed a cost issue for us and said she would buy us a box (the savings are a benifit but not a main reason)

they tried the old environmental impact thing (they think disposables and cloth have the same impact) the fact is it costs around $50 a year for the extra washing sun drying is recomended so the dryer will only be used on rainy weeks

the thing that got to me was that mum assured K that when baby come to stay with her he/she will be in disposables, it annoys me that mum would be so unsupportive, I wouldn't leave a baby with anyone for more than a few hours or maybe overnight regardless of type of nappy and when we came home I'd have to deal with a smelly disposable in the garbage, bad if its a monday or tuesday night ... the boy solved that problem for me baby would need changing before coming home

K gives me 12 weeks and I'll be using plastic, she dosen't realise that it took 2 pays to get my stash which cost around $1000 even if I don't like it I will be doing it especially now that she has issued the challenge

Monday, July 02, 2007

we have a tennant

Yep we have a heart beat this time 157 BPM. After the midwife left the first thing the boy said was "F*** that was loud like one of those doof doof cars"

We have decided that we will go for the 18wk ultrasound after all since the boys little brother had a heart defect so its probably a good idea to get that checked out also make sure everything else is all good I have to find out how to book for these things, I have to see the DR anyway so I'll ask then, its a pain I can't get in to the hostpital before august I think thats also a bit rude but I suppose these things happen